Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's been a little weird ...

...waking up the last week and not to be eating breakfast with 23 others like I did for 8 days in Mexico. As an introvert, I'm surprised how much I've missed it (and it's not just that I miss having someone else make my breakfast - thank you Amy Lewis!). After getting back from Mexico I realize just how much I loved living life that intensily with a group of people. It wasn't just eating meals together - it was the being there together to lay hands on Cally as her fever overtook her. It was picking up boulders together as we landscaped an orphanage (and jumping when I uncovered a tarantula!). It was standing on a hill that overlooks a city together and having our hearts stirred together against the poverty, drug problems, and spiritual darkness.

It makes me wonder why sometimes I find it so hard to make time to do the same thing in community back home. Maybe it's because I have a lot of other things to balance here at home, and so understandably I'm not as focused as I can be in Mexico. But maybe it's more than that. I've wondered if maybe sometimes our gatherings back home here lack the missional purpose that our time in Mexico did, and so we're bored. I also think that sometimes back home here we expect to live life individually and to just once and a while come together into community, whereas when in Mexico we expected to live life as a community of people and to once and a while do things individually. Do you get the difference? So what's one thing that you've gotta change today? And who's keeping you accountable to it. I'm working on mine.

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