Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I think I might...

... be the worst pastor ever if my thought for this week wasn't focused in on Easter! I've been reflecting a lot this last little while on the book that John Piper wrote entitled 'Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die'. I know the fact that John Piper suggests that there are 50 reasons why Jesus came to die probably shouldn't shake me, but it does! I've felt this overwhelming conviction that somewhere along the way I bought into some rote-textbook answer to what the cross is about, and I've lost some of the wonder, mystery and majesty of the breadth and depth of what the cross accomplished.

So I'm really focusing on slowing down this week to take all of this in - personal reflection time, talking about it as a family, Stations of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul. I want to encourage you that this week more than any other week of the year, you take time alone and in community, to discover more of the cross, and more of what the cross tells us about who God is. I'm praying for you this week. And looking forward to an epic celebration with you on Sunday!

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