Thursday, May 3, 2007

Jesus, the Olympics and Holy Discontents

I was reading the BC Christian News yesterday (which I admit I don’t usually read because I can never seem to find an update in it on the Vancouver Canucks or the Phoenix Suns . . . which I think are God’s favorite sports teams as well), but I noticed it because of the front caption which read “2010 a catalyst for church unity”. And of course in Vancouver 2010 is synonymous with the Olympics, and the article focused in on a vision to use the Olympics to rally churches together to be a witness to the influx of people coming from around the world.

Now I think this is great, but I was grieved by the realization that we’re a culture consumed with rallying around the big sexy event, without a corresponding burden for the difficult task of transforming culture in the places where we live our lives every day.

I think of Melissa who volunteers at the crisis pregnancy centre, Janice who just became a big sister to someone in need, Allyson who has a deep passion to restore shattered families, and Bruce who’s fighting to save their neighborhood school, and I’m convinced that it’s the living out of these holy discontents (that Jesus gives us) that will be the real catalyst for the church to be awakened and unleashed.

I guess this is my holy discontent – to see each unique life unleashed for the glory of Jesus. But now I’m preaching, so I’ll save it for Sunday! Think about it though, what when you look around you, ‘wrecks’ you, and what are you doing about it?

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