Thursday, February 21, 2008


Bev Yeaman who leads our Family/Children's Ministry here at LEFC came in broken the other day letting us know of a community close to her heart that is in a state of peril right now. Shawnigan Lake on the Island (from which Bev joined us last year) is missing one of their son's, and it also happens to be the son of some of her dearest friends. Last week Gavin, who I believe is 20 years old and has been in a place of turmoil, disappeared. And although there has been an all out search for Gavin, after a whole week there is still no sign of him.

Bev and I sat chatting this week about the story in Luke 15 where Jesus talks about the single lost sheep for which the shepherd leaves his 99 other sheep in order to go find - the point: every person matters immensily to God and when they're lost, in his love, he initiates an all out search. For a family and a community known as Shawnigan Lake, this parable is much to real right now.

I don't want to dress this blog up with some dramatic statement - we just want to cry out to God on behalf of Gavin and his family and his community that this lost son, who God desperately loves, would be found. Bring Gavin home, please God. (please be praying with us)

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