Wednesday, February 27, 2008

On Mission this May

One of the great dangers for a church is that 'mission' has been replaced by 'protect ourselves from sin'. (Matt Chandler quote). While certainly we in NO WAY want to minimize sin (we need to put it to death for the praise of Jesus!); but we also want to recognize that this shift away from mission has actually slowed sanctification (ie. being transformed to live for Jesus) not sped it up, because we are not walking and moving with Jesus and letting him change us in the process.

To that end, on MAY 30-31st we will be hosting our 'The Church on Mission' Conference. This is an event that we want you to come to if you're passionate about focusing in on the 'why?' and 'how?' of developing biblical community within the church where everyone is an active member of the body that holistically lives out the mission of the church.

Our key note speaker will be Mike Breen who pioneered mid-sized communities on mission (called Clusters) in Sheffield, UK and with them actively engaged his church body in mission and grew the largest church in the north of England, with 80% under the age of 40. Mike is an outstanding visionary, communicator and teacher, and we are thrilled that he and others will be joining us.

Shortly we will be sending out more information for you as our plans unfold. For now, please mark this date (MAY 30-31st) as we gather as a church (and with other churches) as we network and learn together.

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