Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Facebook, Community and our Triune God

I finally got myself hooked up on facebook . . . that's right, Wendy and I gave in to all the murmurs and hype and we checked it out. It was hilarious when the first person 'accepted me' as a friend and my facebook reported 'you have 1 friend' . . . I called Wendy over and said, 'you'll never believe it honey, I have a friend!' She was so proud of me. It's been a hoot getting reconnected with old friends in such a cool way!

It's reminded me how much we crave community; it cuts to the very core of who we are because of who God is. The other day I was shown a 15th century painting by a Russian artist named Andrei Rublev. It's a powerful depiction (if you study it) of our triune God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and their communion with each other (three but one!). But it also reflects the reality of God's invitation for us to enter into that communion. How mind-boggling is that?! That our God, who as someone said, 'is more one because He is three, and loves perfectly because he has no loneliness', invites us to experience who He is. That messes me up!

That's our journey here at LEFC - experiencing who God is, revealed in Jesus . . . and in that, experiencing and unleashing the community of God. And to think that Facebook helps me experience that!

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